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BIRDS at the Observatorio

This is the list of birds that have been regsitered at the feeders - Minca Birding


- Golden-winged Sparrow ~ Arremon schlegeli

- Gray-headed Tanager ~ Eucometis penicillata

- Crimson-backed Tanager ~ Ramphocelus dimidiatus

- Black-chested Jay ~ Cyanocorax affinis

- Buff-throated Saltator ~Saltator maximus

- Streaked Saltator - Saltator striatipectus

- White-lined Tanager ~ Tachyphonus rufus

- Blue-grey Tanager ~ Thraupis episcopus

- Palm Tanager ~ Thraupis palmarum

- Red-crowned Woodpecker ~ Melanerpes rubricapillus

- Bay-headed Tanager ~ Tangara gyrola todi

- Black-headed Tanager ~ Stilpnia cyanopera

- Blue-naped Chlorophonia ~ Chlorophonia cyanea

- Crested Oropendola ~ Psarocoilus decumanus

- Shiny cowbird ~ Molothurs bonaerensis

- Pale-breasted Thrush ~ Turdus leucomelas

- Clay-colored Thrush ~ Turdus ignobilis

- White-necked Thrush ~ Turdus albicollis

- White-tipped Dove ~ Leptotilia verreauxi

- Blue ground-dove ~ Claravis pretiosa

- Yellow-bellied Seedeater ~ Sporophila nigricollis

- Blue-black Grassquit ~ Volatinia jacarina

- Whooping Motmot ~ Momotus subrufescens

- Yellow-backed Oriole ~ Icterus chrysater

- Baltimore Oriole ~ Icterus galbula (Migratory)

- Summer Tanager ~ Piranga rubra (Migratory)

- Collared Aracari ~ Pteroglossus torquatus

- Keel-billed Toucan ~ Ramphastos sulfuratus

- Lineated Woodpecker  ~ Dryocopus lineatus

- Crimson-crested Woodpecker ~ Campephilus melanoleucos

- Little Tinamou ~ Crypturellus soui


Some species are seasonal so only come to the feeder at certain time of the year

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